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Life Insurance

Super simple, a lump sum amount of cash paid out to your loved ones when you pass away. 

Health Insurance

Skip the public system queues and gain access to drugs that aren't funded by the government. 

Income Protection

Being able to work is our greatest asset. When illness strikes we risk losing it all. Protect your income with a budget that works for you. 

Mortgage Protection

Can’t work due to a minor or major illness or event? Have up to 110% of your monthly mortgage paid, simple as that. 

Trauma Insurance

My personal favourite, a lump sum tax free payment if you are diagnosed with a severe illness. Use this cash injection to clear debt or take time away from work. 

Employee Insurance

This is where it all changes. In a lot of cases, people can’t get insurance at all - or pay up to their eyeballs due to being a smoker, having a higher BMI or multiple health conditions.

What does providing health, or any of the other insurances to staff as a work benefit mean?

• No applications.
• No stand-down periods.
• All pre-existing conditions covered.

You can structure it however you like, based on tenure or management position. You can build it bespoke, giving them life cover, income, trauma and health, make it as basic or comprehensive as you like to fit your budget.

For health insurance, pre-existing conditions covered for staff spouses and children under 21 years.

In a nutshell – if your staff or their families are unwell or need treatment right now, we can get them in to the private health system today.

Business Owner Insurance

Protect those in the business that are responsible for revenue.